After you have interviewed a classmate or the teacher with the questions above, write a short paragraph reporting what you learned from them. Are these sentences in the past simple or in the past continuous. Simple past and past progressive grammar exercises. The second action is a short action that has interrupted the first. The past continuous and the past simple help us to show how two past actions or situations are connected. May be freely copied for personal or classroom use. Simple past or past progressive english tense comparison. Learn english with lets talk free english lessons 43,456 views 10. Past simple and past continuous inspiration macmillan.
It is commonly used and relatively easy to learn aside from having to memorize irregular verb forms. Fill in the blanks with a correct form, the past simple or the past continuous. Past simple vs past continuous elementary worksheet ii. As i was walking in the streets of holland, i met an old friend of mine.
May 31, 20 past simple and past continuous tense english grammar lesson learn english with michelle duration. While charles watch soccer on tv, wendy listen to the radio. Simple past or past continuous english online grammar exercises. English esl past simple worksheets most downloaded 2155. Although the two different tenses past simple take a look at the explanation and the past progressive or continuous explanation here are both ways to express the past in english, they describe the action or the event that took place in the past in different ways. Choose simple past or past continuous tense to complete the sentences.
Past simple vs past continuous consolidation worksheet. The past simple and the past continuous interactive worksheet. Explanations and examples along with tests and exercises online to practise past simple tense in english. Heres a grammar quiz on past simple and present simple tenses together in the context of a letter from holiday. English esl past simple past continuous worksheets most. Students are introduced to the simple past tense early on in their english learning. Decide whether to use the simple present tense or the simple past tense for each verb. English esl past simple and past continuous worksheets most. The shorter action happened while the longer action was still happening. Simple past vs past continuous exercises tolearnenglish.
This ebook is produced and distributed by red river press inc. Past simple and past continuous exercises with answers 22 click here to download this exercise in pdf. When the teacher came in, they were studying english. Lets look at some sentences with verbs in the past form past simple and present form present simple to better understand the meaning the past form adds and why speakers choose to. Simple past vs past continuous exercise 2 3 simple past exercises pdf. You can do the exercises online or download the worksheet as pdf. Simple past vs past continuous exercise grammarbank. Printable simple past vs past continuous exercise with answers online verb tenses worksheets for english learners.
Online exercises comparison of tenses, comparison of tenses questions and comparison of tenses negative sentences. Past simple or past continuous worksheet 1 grammarbank. We use simple for finished actions, and continuous for when an action is in progress when we. We use the simple past as the narrative form of the past to express completed, sequential actions. Past continuous and past simple grammar beginner to. We use the past progressive to say what was happening at a particular moment in the past, to set the scene and to emphasise duration of a past action. The reading text is on a letter from twoholiday places, which are in the northwest of turkey. There is an explanation and exercises to complete with the right verb tense 2 pages. Elissa and the mysterious stalker we can also combine the past continuous with the past simple. Use thepast simple and past continuous verb tenses as much as possible. The worksheet is available in both colour and black and white version. Past simple and past continuous exercises with answers pdf. Past simple vs past continuous worksheet 1 grammarbank. Simple past vs past continuous exercise 3 grammarbank.
The past simple and the past continuous interactive. The past continuous describes an action that was already in progress. He met was meeting were meeting a lot of friendly people while he worked was working were working in california. The simple past and the past continuous are two tenses commonly used to make general statements about the past. Complete the sentences with the past simple or past continuous form of the verb. This is a worksheet i prepared last year for my elementary students as an introduction of these tenses. Show all questions yesterday at three oclock, martha was chatting on the internet. Fill in all the gaps, with the right form of the verb in brackets. Exercise complete the following sentences with past simple or past continuous. Here you have 30 sentences for the students to practice the simple past and the past participle both in the postive and negative form and questions as well. Past simple or continuous headway students site oxford.
Comparison of the past simple and continuous in english. But sometimes these two actions happen at the same time. Past simple vs present simple grammar quiz photocopiables. Past simple and past continuous interactive and downloadable worksheet. Some internet abbreviations are also used, which will attract some students attention a lot. Past continuous is used to describe action that were in progress still happening not finished at a certain time in the past. A collection of english esl worksheets for home learning, online practice, distance learning and english classes to teach about past, simple, past, continuou. Past simple vs past continuous language on schools. Our collection is growing every day with the help of many teachers. Lets look at some sentences with verbs in the past form past simple and present form present simple to better understand the meaning the past form adds and why speakers choose to use it. A collection of english esl worksheets for home learning, online practice, distance learning and english classes to teach about past, simple, past simple. Write the words in capital letters at the end of sentences in past continuous or simple past tense.
What characteristics are typical for the past simple and the past continuous. Present simple vs past simple ed when do people use the past form. The past simple shows us that an action was in the past, not in the present. Fluent speakers of english know when and how to use past simple and past continuous to talk. Explanations and examples along with tests and exercises online to practise englis grammar. Use the words in brackets to put the following into the correct. Past simple vs past continuous interactive worksheet. Heres a helpful pdf worksheet to consolidate or revise past simple and past continuous tenses together. However, the past progressive also known as the past continuous can be confusing since its not as commonly used in english. We use the past progressive to say what was happening at a particular moment in the past, to set the scene and to emphasise duration of a past.
However, the past progressive also known as the past continuous can be confusing since its not as commonly used in. Recommended for elementary students who are asked to complete the sentences with the past simple or the past continuous of the verbs in brackets. Past continuous bisogna mettere tutti i verbi che trovi scritti tra parentesi, nel tempo corretto, scegliendo principalmente tra il past simple e il past continuous, ma tenendo presente che dove ce il discorso diretto, potranno servire anche degli altri tempi. Check the answers to this exercise on past continuous tense write the words in capital letters at the end of sentences in past continuous or simple past tense. Answers to past simple or past continuous exercise 2 1.
Simple past and past continuous exercises esl worksheet by. In this exercise you will practise the past simple and past continuous tenses exercise instructions. Past simple vs past continuous interactive and downloadable worksheet. Past simple or past continuous worksheet 1 answers. Worksheet 2 past simple and past continuous 1 complete the sentences with the correct past simple or past continuous form of the verbs in brackets. English grammar practice exercise, for preintermediate and intermediate level. Test comprising exercises with present simlpe, present continuous and past simple. Finally, click here to download this exercise in pdf with answers. Put the verbs into past simple or past continuous 7%. When i walk down queen street, i discover a wonderful store. In this exercise you will practise the past simple and past continuous tenses.
Past continuous and past simple grammar beginner to pre. Complete the following sentences with the correct verb forms. Past simple and past continuous pdf exercises with answers. The simple past and the past progressive, also past continuous, are used to express actions in the past. An exercise by montse morales for the english learning website.
Although they are both past tenses their uses are quite different. Use the words in brackets to put the following into the correct tense the past simple or past continuous. This is an easy worksheet contrasting the past simple and past continuous tense. Oct 11, 2012 an intermediate english lesson which looks at the meaning and use of past simple and past continuous. We were playing volleyball with mary when you called me. Past continuous vs past simple simple present gapfill exercise. Use the hint button to get a free letter if an answer is giving you trouble. Simple past past progressive contrasted we sat was sitting were sitting at the breakfast table when the doorbell rang was ringing were ringing. The simple past tense is only used to say that something happened at some time in the past. The past continuous refers to a longer background action or situation.
Home grammar verb tenses simple past and past progressive exercise about we are dedicated to creating and providing free, highquality english language learning resources. We can use the past simple and the past continuous in the same sentence. Past tense simple is used to describe actions that happened in the past. The first action is a long action it lasted for a period of time. Yesterday i went to the post office, bought some fruit at the supermarket and read a book in the park in the afternoon. Comparison of tenses simple past and past continuous with free online exercises, passive rules and passive voice examples.
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